Academic Success

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As in other areas of life, success in academics results from learning and practicing positive habits. This one-semester elective provides practical, hands-on guidance on developing and improving study habits and skills, regardless of a student’s level of accomplishment. Academic Success includes five lessons and two course activities in a flexible structure that is adaptable to the needs and circumstances of individual students. The course can also be used for college-level developmental education.

Theater, Cinema, and Film A/B

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Lights! Camera! Action! Theater and cinema are both forms of art that tell a story. Let’s explore the enchanting world of live theater and its fascinating relationship to the silver screen. Explore the different genres of both and how to develop the script for stage and film. Then dive into how to bring the script to life with acting and directing. If you have a passion for the art of film and stage, let’s bring your creativity to life!

Public Speaking A/B

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Do you strive to gain more confidence when speaking in front of people? Learn techniques from famous speakers throughout history while learning what it takes to make a great speech. Develop skills that will serve you well throughout your career and personal life. Bring your speeches to life by learning about body language, vocal, and other techniques. Learn about logic and reason while gaining the confidence to help create and deliver great presentations and speeches. You will also critically examine your speeches and presentations and those of others to improve upon your in-person and virtual presentation skills.

Personal and Family Finance A/B

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How do our personal financial habits affect our financial future? How can we make smart decisions with our money in the areas of saving, spending, and investing? This course introduces students to basic financial habits such as setting financial goals, budgeting, and creating financial plans. Students will learn more about topics such as taxation, financial institutions, credit, and money management. The course also addresses how occupations and educational choices can influence personal financial planning, and how individuals can protect themselves from identity theft.

Peer Counseling

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Are you the person that people come to for advice? Does it seem that your friends always talk to you about their problems? If so, Peer Counseling may be the perfect course for you. It offers ways for you to explore this valuable skill and better understand how it can make a difference in the lives of others. Helping people achieve their personal goals is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, and Peer Counseling will show you the way to provide support, encouragement, and resource information. Learn how to observe others as a Peer Counselor as you carefully listen and offer constructive, empathic communication while enhancing your own communication skills.

Military Careers

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Most of us have seen a war movie; maybe it had a hotshot aviator or a renegade private or a daring Special Forces operative. But outside of these sensationalized portrayals, do you really understand how the military works or what it can do for you? The military offers far more career diversity than most people imagine, and Introduction to Military Careers will provide the information you need to gain a broader understanding of how to find the right fit. You will learn about the five military branches— Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines Corps, and Navy—and examine which jobs you might like to pursue. From aviation, to medicine, to law enforcement, the military can be an outstanding place to achieve your dreams in a supportive and well-structured environment.

Marine Science A/B

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Have you ever wondered about the secrets of the deep, and how the creatures below the ocean’s surface live and thrive? It is truly a new frontier of discovery, and in Marine Science you will begin to better understand the aquatic cycles, structures, and processes that generate and sustain life in the sea. Through the use of scientific inquiry, research, measurement, and problem solving, you will conduct various scientific procedures that will lead to an increased level of knowledge about Marine Science. You will also have the opportunity to use technology and laboratory instruments in an academic setting. By recognizing the inherent ethics and safety procedures necessary in advanced experiments, you will become progressively more confident in your abilities as a capable marine scientist.

Law and Order: Introduction to Legal Studies

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Imagine if there were no laws and people could do anything they wanted. It’s safe to say the world would be a pretty chaotic place! Every society needs some form of regulation to ensure peace in our daily lives and in the broader areas of business, family disputes, traffic violations, and the protection of children. Laws are essential to preserving our way of life and must be established and upheld in everyone’s best interest. In Law and Order: Introduction to Legal Studies, you’ll delve deeper into the importance of laws and consider how their application affects us as individuals and communities. Through understanding the court system and how laws are actually enacted, you will learn to appreciate the larger legal process and how it safeguards us all.

Journalism A/B

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Does your curiosity lead you to the heart of the matter? Channel this curiosity into developing strong writing, critical thinking, and research skills to perform interviews and write influential pieces, such as articles and blog posts. Learn about the evolution of journalism and its ethics, bias, and career directions to forge your path in this field. Journalists are asked to tell the world a story every single day—and their job is, to tell the truth. Learn how to choose a topic, structure your story, research facts, hone your observational skills, and write an article following journalism tradition. Go beyond the print world and discover how journalism can lead to exciting careers that will put you right in the action.

Digital Photography 2 A/B

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In today’s world, we are surrounded by images. We are continually seeing photographs as they appear in advertisements, on websites, in magazines, and on billboards; they even adorn our walls at home. While many of these images have been created by professional photographers, it is possible for your photos to take on a more professional look after you take them.

Required Materials
  • Manual DSLR camera or digital camera with manual settings (the camera needs to allow for the mode, shutter speed, and aperture to be adjusted)
  • Tripod (or necessary item(s) to create a stable foundation such as a table)
  • Reflector (white paper, poster board, sheets, or a wall can also serve as a reflector)
  • Image editing software
  • Access to a slideshow application, such as PowerPoint
  • Students can use a smartphone with the addition/modification of a recommended pro camera app with manual settings.